
thread: 2011-06-06 : My Friends' Projects

On 2011-06-09, Kip wrote:

I realize it is entirely self-centered of me, Vincent, but Apocalypse World seems designed down to its bones specifically to break every bad habit I've ever had in gaming, either as player or GM. I'm fascinated by the weltanschauung-as-emergent-property of the interaction of these deceptively simple rules and I want to get in the middle of it and splash around. The one thing holding me back beyond the tyranny of my word count (time! Just a little more time! One or two more days in the week, that's all I ask!) is, well: the setting? Maybe I'm getting old or maybe it's the general leaching of Hope and Change in the current day and age, but I find myself terribly hesitant to put on the black leather and pick up the gun and really commit, you know? (Squeamish.)—And I've thought about maybe if we all sorta kinda agree that our basic purpose is in trying to make the shattered wasteland in which we've found ourselves a better place and maybe we go from there, but that seems to violate a spirit of something-or-other; I mean if you're gonna do it, let's do it, you know? And the apocalypse is very much a necessary thing here: I am aware of the existence of remixes and hacks and kitbashes, but I want the pure and uncut deal here, you know?

I also thought maybe: an analogous setting that short-circuits the issues I'm having with diving headlong into a worse place: a generation starship gone feral and bad Out There. But but but: the thing about it being us, our world, this place gone bad is it gives everyone at the table the same permission to Make Stuff Up; another world brought to the table by someone no matter how well-intentioned preempts that permission I think at a basic level, even if everyone's agreed we can all Make Stuff Up: there's the risk of a fatal hesitation at a crucial moment because at a fundamental level there'd be this reflexive inhibitor: it's not our place, it's the MC's place.

Or maybe I'm just looking for other reasons so I don't have to admit I just don't have time anymore? Maybe.—I've got a couple bloodthirsty possible people chomping at the bit. There's a trigger, right there. Pull it already.

Emily! I would love to as well except all the foregoing plus airfare. We need to arrange something. Also, the kid.


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