
thread: 2011-06-26 : Q & A time

On 2011-06-27, Vincent wrote:

Weeks: "Meg posted on KF that you 'recently came down with vegetarianism.' How's that going? What's it mean for your lifestyle? Is it actually a thing or just a coincidence?"

Oh, it's not a thing, it's just a thing. I noticed one day while deciding what to get for lunch that I could eat all my most favorite foods* and nobody had to die for them. To be a vegetarian I'd have to give up only my second-most favorite foods, so why not? To be a vegan I'd have to give up only my third-most favorite foods**, but they happen to be my convenient short-notice fallbacks - grilled cheese sandwiches, for instance - so I'm not doing that.

Mostly it just means ordering from the really-quite-excellent veg sections of my favorite restaurants' menus, and not buying meat when I do the grocery shopping. It's no kind of trouble at all.

Now, when I get my panang curry tofu, I don't ask whether there's shrimp paste in the curry or if it's finished with fish sauce, because I'm not that kind of veg. I've also already put a deposit down on a share of local organic beef this fall, and I expect to do my part by it. So, y'know, there's how much veg cred I have.

* With a couple of exceptions, like kitfo and Hattapon's lap kai. When the time comes to eat kitfo, praise the cow and pass the injera.

** Plus eggs, which I can't imagine giving up ever under any circumstances.


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