
thread: 2011-06-26 : Q & A time

On 2011-06-30, Vincent wrote:

Weeks: I bet you have the newer Dogs, too. The original edition didn't have illustrations.

About Mechaton campaign notions: they're really just "wouldn't it be cool if..." notions, they aren't a thing. "Wouldn't it be cool if Mechaton had named pilots? Wouldn't it be cool if repairing your mechs between battles was a thing?" Yes, yes it would.

So far, every single Mechaton campaign has ended abruptly mid-stride. I had to see it three times before I believed it, but now it's obvious to me why. One of those three times was the campaign with J and Rob, yes. Before that was the campaign with J and Emily, and there was also the campaign that the Mechatonic folks tried to play.


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