
thread: 2011-07-11 : Hooray for Religion

On 2011-07-12, Neon Fox wrote:

Christianity and Islam put so much emphasis on faith that it's sometimes important to remember that belief is not the core of all religious practices.

So back in the day, one of the reasons the Jews had problems in the Roman Empire was because the Romans were like, OK, once or twice a year you need to go to the temple, splash a little wine, maybe sacrifice a dove or something to the Deified Caesar.  And the Jews were like, Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.  And the Romans looked at them sideways and said, Who said anything about having other gods?  You just have to go do the thing.  We don't care what you're thinking while you do it.  And all sorts of badness happened.

I'm not sure how that ties in, but it feels like it does.


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