
thread: 2005-03-23 : Strong Stuff Indeed

On 2005-03-25, John Kim wrote:

Does the system have to be all one piece?  I mean, you're right, things like the Master's Aspect, Need, Want, and Type are disconnected from the part of the system which is die rolls.  At least, there is no direct mechanical interaction.  I don't see that as inherently a bad thing.

The fact that these traits don't feed directly into die rolls doesn't make them useless fluff that gives no guidelines.  They are still rules, and when followed they guide play.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that all role-playing systems are going to have non-directly-interacting pieces.  Even if every capitalized term in your rulebook feeds back into die rolls, I think the larger system that is actually played will have parts that are not die rolls and thus non-directly-interacting with the rules which you wrote down.


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