
thread: 2009-12-08 : Your 3 Insights

On 2011-07-18, Gerald C wrote:

Hello Vincent and Everyone Else,

I found and read AW on Friday, fell in love, ran it on Saturday, and spent Sunday scouring these forums and writing fronts. (I'm hooked.) When I found this thread I just had to see if I could apply it to an idea I've had rattling around in my brainbox for a while now, and I feel like it really helped me clarify and expand on the central core of what I want to do. For helping me, you get to see it!

Untitled game where characters are created based on both one of the Seven Deadly Sins and one of the Seven Prime Virtues. It's heavy handed, but hopefully the mechanics I have semi-planned out will make it less so.

1 - Subject Matter: Exploring the motivations for, and the possible concequences of our actions, is more important than the actions themselves. Intent and accountability are more important than device or method.

2 - Game Theory: The best method of conflict resolution is a transparent one where motivations (carrot) and possible consequences (stick) are weighed before action is taken.

3 - Human Nature: No one is purely evil or purely good. Anyone can play a situation to eke advantage from it in either direction, and both paths will always have consequences.

Hopefully there's still some life left in his thread. I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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