
thread: 2011-09-01 : Introducing the Marmot

On 2011-09-01, Vincent wrote:

Don't ask me!

I'm pretty sure you're a marmot detective, and you find out who did a crime, and also get rye drunk in a dive. And then ideally you play Sea Dracula to try the case. But I'm just putting together the pieces, I don't personally know.

Animal Crime is a stand-alone game, by Ben Lehman. It's a prequel to Sea Dracula by Jake Richmond.

The Marmot playbook is a regular old limited ed playbook for Apocalypse World, same as the touchstone, the faceless, etc.

Here's a short, informative play about the two projects.

BEN and VINCENT are talking on the INTERNET.

BEN: Animal Crime is two backers away from the $1,000 mark.

VINCENT: Cool! I've put the Marmot teaser live on my website. That'll drive your last two backers away.

BEN: Introducing the Marmot. Apocalypse World is ruined forever.



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