
thread: 2011-09-01 : Introducing the Marmot

On 2011-09-01, Ben Lehman wrote:


Dave, here's the game's stairs* pitch:

ANIMAL CRIME is a short-form role-playing game for one player of intermediate or higher skill level and 2-8 players of beginner skill level. (in other words, it's to introduce your friends to role-playing.)

One player plays Marmot Detective, a hard-boiled marmot detective from the mean streets of Animal City, who is investigating a crime and gets caught up in a web of lies, betrayal, and seduction. The other players play suspects, who may or may not have committed the crime and may or may not have agendas of their own.

During play, the suspect players play-act their suspects and the Marmot Detective player follows clues, threatens violence, covers up the truth, indulges in vice and hibernates. The game ends with Marmot Detective discovers the truth or is killed.

It takes 45-90 minutes to play.

*slightly longer than an elevator pitch.


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