
thread: 2011-09-20 : Deep Dark Vincent-burning Game Design

On 2011-09-22, Amphiprison wrote:

what honesty demands:

Er. Um. Erm.  But The Brainer is in AW.  And 'unnatural lust transfixion' is right there in the list of the brainer's moves.  And it doesn't say anywhere in the book about the sex move needing to be consensual and well Lively never was big on the concept of consent and the other guy was already strapped to a table and nobody rolled to interfere and um er um errrm the move's success was its own reward and its own punishment.  That player chose to retire Lively first chance he got.  Smart player.

Quick, salvage the situation by turning it into a teachable moment... Next edition, make that explicit in the rules?  As much as you shouldn't have to?


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