
thread: 2011-09-20 : Deep Dark Vincent-burning Game Design

On 2011-09-27, Gregor wrote:

Esoteric: re: harshness: I think maybe you shouldn't pull your punches in AW? I mean, there's nothing in the book to suggest that. Yes, you're a fan of the characters, but when the game calls for a hard move, you make that move HARD. Also, sometimes disclaim decision making. Announcing future badness, if they do nothing about it, that's opportunity on a plate, all that stuff.

Adams: Vincent did say the game was about trust, without being about betrayal or some such thing.

Neurook: I haven't played Poison'd yet either, but my understanding is that it's not a "big" game in that sense. One session is probably not enough but three or four is just fine. Lady Blackbird has a similar length really, you can be done in an evening but it can go on for a few sessions, but it won't last beyond that. Blackbird because the goals and keys will dissolve and Poison'd because there's an endgame mechanic that will kick in sooner or later.


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