
thread: 2011-10-03 : Murderous Ghosts playtest

On 2011-10-08, Paul T. wrote:

Disclaimer: Haven't played the game yet, although I will have a chance to play a few times this coming week, and I'm looking forward to it!


Is there a particular reason why you've chosen to give the protagonist a character identity (urban spelunker and all that) instead of just saying "imagine YOU are in the following situation..."?

The "character" is pretty thin, right? What is its purpose? (If the character gets developed in more detail later in the game, then you can safely ignore my question—I've decided to test how the game plays with no prep, so I'm not reading the booklets.)


This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":