
thread: 2012-01-23 : ARG Thoughts

On 2012-01-24, David Berg wrote:

Here's an idea I've been pondering attempting for a while:

Magical world with lots of unknowns.
Modular system for adding useful knowledge.
2 ways to get knowledge:
- earn it in play
- trade for it online

Go play tabletop with friends, earn useful knowledge.  Go online and type up your adventure, with the knowledge in a passworded field at the bottom.

At end of session, confer with group on knowledge you'd really like to have next session.  Afterward, go search for it online.  Read of other groups' adventures.  If you find someone whose secret knowledge you want, you offer them a trade of your own secret knowledge.

If a deal is made and knowledge exchanged, then you go back to your group at the beginning of next session and recount in character how you met some fellow adventurers and swapped tales, and here's who they are and here's the knowledge I gained.


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