
thread: 2012-02-11 : 3 Problems

On 2012-02-18, Ian Charvill wrote:

Just to check my understanding:

Do some design issues perform double-duty.  For example, complexity.  Complexity will increase the teaching time for the game, so it's affecting how hard a game is to get together, i.e. social footprint.  It is also going to affect how productive the procedures of play are: most people have a limit to how many steps they'll go through in a process to get their desired result.

So, further example, Mouseguard is sitting on my shelf and its never going to get played.  Learning it versus the other play options I have: I'm never going to make that choice, there are other games I can learn and teach so much more quickly.  Furthermore, in play we're going to drop a lot of those rules in any case, or stop playing because it's too complex.  The complexity will get in the way of our fun.

(I suspect if the fictional content were more compelling, to me personally, I'd be more willing to give it a try).

What I'm checking is that these three variables are inately interconnected, not three independent dials.


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