
thread: 2012-03-08 : An Apology

On 2012-03-08, Vincent wrote:

Chris: I can't speak for Ben. Of the freelancers in question, I'm in contact with two of them. To my understanding, yes, there have been issues about being paid on time.

I'm apologizing because the freelancers in question didn't ask me to be their representative, rpg freelancers in general don't need me to look after them, and MWP didn't ask me to be their conscience. It wasn't appropriate for me to put myself in that position.

Stewie: You're complicating my life, here!

If you're serious, then no, I can't take your case. I'm not a collections lawyer. I recommend that you read this comment by JustinDJacobson for information.

If you're not serious, then ha ha.


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