
thread: 2012-03-12 : Indie POV pt 1: the Very Basics

On 2012-03-19, Paolo Guccione (RosenMcStern elsewhere) wrote:

> It's a teeny bit a betrayal of my inner militant idealogue, and I fight with myself about it, but I think that these kinds of I-own-it-you-publish-it arrangements are pretty damn cool. They seem like the future to me.

I suppose you are quite right about this. I have been using this model since 2009, and it has not betrayed me (yet). It creates room for a lot of other variants that are halfway between self-publishing and work for hire. Another important point is that the creator might wish to get his rights back and become a self-publisher at a later time, without taking the risk of starting his own small business at the beginning. Does anyone have an example of this? I might have one such case at hand in the near future, but in fact it has not happened yet.

@Moreno: it is true that such things can happen, but the likelihood is not so high, so in the end the potential danger is totally offset by the advantage of having creator-owned materials enter the mainstream distribution channels without being forced to obey the market-driven content policies of big companies.


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