
thread: 2012-03-27 : Indie POV pt 3: A Small Pep Talk

On 2012-04-05, Jay Loomis wrote:

There's two key successes here, I think.

The first is success as an entrepreneur: does your game make money? This success is about making smart choices, both in design and in production, that keep the profit margins as high as possible while reaching as many customers as possible.

The second is success as an artist: does your craft develop and grow? Do you produce works with aesthetic integrity, founded on your artistic vision? This success is all about designing the game, engaging the players, making it consistently fun, and all the million other little details of design. In short—the things where indie art shines.

As a creator owner, I think these two measures of success get confounded. You become responsible for all the measures of success, and it can be hard to tease them apart.


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