
thread: 2012-03-27 : Indie POV pt 3: A Small Pep Talk

On 2012-04-12, David Berg wrote:

Vincent, I didn't intend to gloss over your point about delivering on promises in spades.  I agree it's absolutely vital to a game's success.

That said, my understanding is that delivering breeds success via word of mouth.  Some people try the game, they're impressed and happy with how it delivers, they talk it up online and at cons, and other people try it.  So I'm wondering about how to achieve that first part: "some people try the game".

How many people is enough to potentially start a word-of-mouth epidemic?  How do you find them, and how do you get them to try the game?

While answering those questions is no substitute for good game design, it seems to me like a necessary complement.

Everyone I've talked to about answering those questions seems to think that game concept is a big part of it.  In the effort to reach out to folks who'll want what you're offering, the more folks you can legitimately reach out to, the better your odds.  What do you think?


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