
thread: 2012-06-18 : Moves as Jumping-off Points

On 2012-06-25, Vincent wrote:

Graham: Well, I don't know. I kind of think that it's a only a matter of emphasis, that "group" and "cooperation" are just "individuals" and "in conflict," suggestively rephrased. But I haven't thought about it very hard and I'm no kind of expert.

For certain, Apocalypse World isn't all about individuals and conflict, it is also about groups and cooperation. Whether this is because it transcends the model, or because it's a relatively nuanced expression of the model, depends on your view of the model, I suppose. Is the patriarchal narrative mandated by the model, or just, yes, a default example of it?

Heck, maybe suggestive rephrasing counts as a different model. I don't know.

But so, whatever! Yes! Bring on other models.

J. Walton: I agree.


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