
thread: 2012-06-25 : "Conflict" "Resolution"

On 2012-06-26, J. Walton wrote:

"Resolution conflation" is definitely a thing. Thanks to you and Ben for calling that out specifically.

Honestly, though, your comment #2 is more fascinating to me, because I think it's pretty true. Funny how the theoretical ideas we fought so hard about... hardly seem that important anymore, or at least not the most mature way to think about play and design. How did that happen? Is it that we now have spent more time with games that don't fall into those easy categories? Is it because we're looking more closely at real play rather than theorizing about it in the abstract? Is it because we've absorbed all that and move onto other concerns?

Hilariously, of the three games I just played at Fabricated Realities, two of them have nothing that even vaguely resembles task/conflict/stakes and the other was an Apocalypse World hack.


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