
thread: 2012-11-26 : Positioning: Two Timelines

On 2012-12-07, Carsten wrote:

Well, I kind of see the point. it all seems very high-level and abstract.

I propose that in all all cases systematic elements also play large role, whether real (rules, books, randomizers, dialog keywords, moves) or fictional (previously established fact, convention, implied genre assumptions). Its probably impossible to define positions without systematic toolsets. At the very least toolsets greatly facilitate positioning. (you will probably say that "freeform" has no systems, but i would argue that any form of freeform *builds on* implied knowledge systematic bodies of rules that you simply mastered to the point where you can improvise over it - take jazz for example).

I am not saying I am disagreeing with the graph above. I can even find representation of system elements by the dice you included. Maybe I would just include a third arrow/timeline: an ideatic timeline, that holds the toolsets, implements, traditions, the lore of expression in RPGs.

This timeline would influence the concrete gaming experience (real timeline) as well as the fictional timeline and be in turn influenced by them (a houserule that becomes part of the implied assumptions even beyond this session/game, or even a new system that captures your insights from playing lots of games, but in turn gives tools of expression to others, maybe a certain system with moves at the center).


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