
thread: 2005-07-05 : Setting and Source Material

On 2005-07-06, Sydney Freedberg wrote:

Quickfire responses:

Matthijs: My feelings for a raisin? Yeah, not gonna do it.

Anon.: "introduce an element that relates to the first time you fell in love." Wow. That's tricky. For me, the mere use of the word "you"—as in "you, the real person playing"—does actually make me more self-conscious and self-protective, therefore less creative. Plus, "the first time you fell in love"? I can think of multiple incidents, each of which arguably is "first love" depending on how seriously various adolescent crushes get taken, so I still have the "vast and inchoate" problem!

Anon.: Rorscach blots - the shape is definitely important, BUT in unpredictable ways. Unlike Matthijs's raisin example, the stimulus has to be complex enough to stimulate something, but that response cannot be predicted with any confidence from the stimulus—in other words, we're into chaos theory now.

Vincent: Negation = necessary, yes.


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