
thread: 2005-07-05 : Setting and Source Material

On 2005-07-06, Matthijs Holter wrote:

Vincent: "We oughta be working out some sustainable, flexible and reliable "here's how and when you may negate the creation of elements.""

I agree - but do you see pre-play and in-play creation of elements as essentially the same, or would you agree that they can (or should) have different systems of negotiating credibility?

Systems that don't allow you to say "no" can still have strong judgmental effects. For example:

Game setup starts with a central node - a seed concept, just some words written in a circle. Each player can add a new node - a trait, a possession, a person etc - and a relation line to an existing node.

After a while, some nodes have lots of lines from them, while others have none - they didn't capture anyone's interest. They probably won't get much focus in play.


This makes...
short response
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