
thread: 2005-06-06 : Happenings

On 2005-07-07, Vincent wrote:

Porter! It's good to hear from you!

I ... jeez, it's rough. Heavy religious discussion isn't my first choice when it comes to reconnecting with old friends.

Food is. So: how was Thailand? My friend Duncan said that the first words he learned in Thai were "without spice," and that after he stopped weeping there were whole new flavors he'd never tasted before, within the pain.

But, I agree with you that the first step is to find out whether there's a God, and that everything else has to follow from that. Obviously I don't agree that my finding life meaningful depends on God's existence - let alone proves it.

A hundred years from now I'll be dirt. Two hundred years from now, everyone I can possibly have ever touched will be dirt. That doesn't mean I don't love life, love the people around me, love the beautiful world and its beautiful future, meanwhile; of course it doesn't!


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