
thread: 2013-09-03 : Ordering the Conversation: How do you choose?

On 2013-09-04, Gordon wrote:

Vincent: I'm probaly entirely with you, but - are you looking to explicitly include or exclude anything in particular from how we determine if it serves the game?  Say I decide to include a subsystem because it will help me sell supplements to the core system, or because it will encourage people to develop related content of their own to sell/give away online.  Are you including those kind of decisions in "serving the game", or are you talking more about serving the game within the, um, creative confines of its designed object(s)?

My instinct is that, for the purpose you seem to have here, it's best to exclude things like, ah, crass commercialism and overt idealogical agendas.  But there's enough fuzzy cross-influence I'm not sure if a clear line can be drawn ...


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