
thread: 2013-10-02 : The GM: Holding the Object for the Group

On 2013-10-07, Vincent wrote:

Dom: There's something about your objection I just don't see.

In Apocalypse World, you can tell during play whether you've moving toward finding out what the characters will make of their world. Tracking your progress along the "what have these characters made of their world" is as easy as anything.

Same as "explore"! "Have the characters explored their world more than they had when we started? How much more?"

Do you know the game Eat Poop You Cat?


This makes AED go "In Dungeon World, it's explicit (though not loud) to the players"
?Have the characters explored their world more than they had when we started? How much more?? See the end-of-session XP questions!

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":