
thread: 2013-12-16 : Some Basic Rules (iv, abandoned)

On 2013-12-21, plausiblefabulist wrote:

Something in between the camaraderie of wizards that can teach each other spells which are simple recipes, and the brutal competition of wizards who wield unique plasmids and have to steal them from each other, would be a version with mechanics for plasmid breeding. Then wizards would be like animal fanciers who arrange for breeding their prize specimens with each other—but still wary and cagey if the mechanics had sufficient costs (breeding an easy opportunity for plasmid escape, theft, death in the equivalent of childbirth—maybe our two plasmids, if we put them together, will "birth" a third, but maybe yours will eat mine—or maybe it's parthenogenic, and the master, when she finds the apprentice worthy, risks trying to get her plasmid to bud off a lesser version of itself, and then heal back its magnitude...


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