
thread: 2014-08-20 : AW:Dark Age playtest preview: the Troll-killer

On 2014-08-21, Vincent wrote:

Adrian: Some of the season moves let you mark experience, and I think a right or two do too.

There will probably be some text for the players about how to choose which domain for each other, but I haven't written it yet. We'll see!

Tom Lawrence: Correct. You can keep getting new rights of the same domain, just as long as the MC and the other players keep giving you experience there.

Jasin: Spoilers!

Abandoning your character to die is how Ned Stark levels up.

DWeird: They don't quite stand alone anymore, no. The rules for households and belongings would easily fit on the back, but it just makes more sense to have your people on a sheet of its own. This is because more than one PC might well come from the same people.


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