
thread: 2005-08-09 : The New Open House 2: Religion

On 2005-08-09, wrote:

I KNOW I'm going to regret saying anything here. I'm a Catholic. It's the religion I was raised in, and I still beleive in it. I've heard many persuasive challenges to it, but nothing that has yet persuaded me to drop it. Consequently I feel a bit the outsider in Internet circles, writer circles, and gamer circles where less traditional spiritualities are the norm.


This makes JM go "No worries"
Hey, it's us atheists who are left out. And either way, we're all human.

This makes MB go "Speak up!"
The whole point ( think) is to discuss, not condemn, harrangue, or testify. You've got a place at that table, surely as any others.

This makes RT go "I'm with you"
Us ex-seminarians have to stick together

This makes Thevai go "Keep on believing!"
There are a thousand paths, the trick is finding the one that will work for you! Sounds like you've found it. WTG!

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