
thread: 2005-08-09 : The New Open House 2: Religion

On 2005-08-10, Tobias wrote:

Just lost my post (own fault).

Born in 1975, raised "Gereformeerd" (Reformed, but not "Dutch Reformed"), a couple of church visits a year and bible-reading at home, including 2 seasons of "Catechism", which means a weekly hour of discussion on the meaning of religion in the world and personal opinion, etc.

Supposedly, Gereformeerd is fairly strict Calvinistic Protestantism, but that's by Dutch (Liberal) standards, and my parents were always open-minded enough to allow me to have my own opinions.

Around 14 that lead to my rationality not accepting all this any more, and going atheist. By now I understand many concepts about 'the idea of God' as well, and I think there are some effects going on in this reality which have been associated with the supernatural or religious of which science has no understanding yet, but should be open-minded about.

I'm a secular humanist, but like books such as 'the akashic field' and have read far & wide.

Religion does increase the survivability of a (section) of the species.


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