
thread: 2005-08-08 : Announcement

On 2005-08-11, Sven Seeland wrote:

Me and my girlfriend are gonna have our first one in November as well. Some might think it's a bit early with her being 20 years old and me a mere 1 year older but we are both really, really looking forward to it!
It's gonna be a boy as well and that picture of yours makes me remember how exited I was seing the first live ultrasounds of our boy. My knees where shaking, hands getting cold, the whole program.

Children are amazing! I'm so exited and happy and scared as hell! And, no, we don't really know what we're getting into either. Especially with both of us still in college and all that... Well, life is full of surprises, ay?

I'm really glad to hear everything is going well with your pregnancy.

Raising a new generation of gamers! ;)


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