
thread: 2005-08-09 : The New Open House 2: Religion

On 2005-08-11, Kirk wrote:

I have essentially discarded all notions of a Christian God. I put no faith in an afterlife, although it certainly would be interesting when I finally get around to it. I think that there might be something out there that is bigger and more important than we are, but it doesn't really concern me, as I probably wouldn't concern it (the universe as one massive being? Perhaps. Its plausible)

Instead, I concern myself with philosophy and cooking (although not to the extent that Vincent does though. Besides, my cooking isn't that good, although I can make some mean Italian...) Much of my philosophy is actually based around a mish-mash of stuff like The Satanic Bible by Antoine LeVay, various Bhuddist texts, and Babylon 5. I consider life to be life, and that is a good enough reason for me. If I want to go into reasons for existence and such, I get very fatalistic and start viewing people as walking machines, so I tend to try and stay in a human point of view. Although being objective does put things in perspective from time to time.

My own perception of religion is a means to an end. To find a reason for everything. A way to find truth and understanding. Hey, each to his own. If you find truth and understanding by navel gazing, praying, performing pagan rites or watching Babylon 5, all the power to ya. It is when things start to get a bit out of hand when religion bothers me (The concept that only one religion can be true, the Spanish Inquisition, punishment for not believing). Truth is my goal in life, truth and understanding of myself (which, to my mind, is the only thing that I can have any perfect understanding of) and as much as I can of the world.

In the matter of religion and morality, they are connected but not exclusive to each other. You can be moral without a religion, and you can be religious without having any morals. I define morals as being a guide for behaviours. There are certain aspects of morality which at some point we can call "human morality" but not quite yet. Being in love generally feels much better than hating someone, helping someone feels better than hurting them (partly based upon social upbringing, partially evolutionary).

Half-formed ramblings, I know, but I understand it in my head. I have a more cohesive (and lengthy) essay around the house, but I don't think I'll put it up.


This makes IMAGin go "What - you took your philosophy from Babylon 5 too?"
I still think one of the most meaningful thigns I've ever heard was from Delenn: "We are star-stuff. We are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out."

This makes KM go "I was being slightly facetious..."
I mean, there are some very interesting points there that I agree with or have inspired some of my philosophy, but not all.

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