
thread: 2005-08-09 : The New Open House 2: Religion

On 2005-08-14, James Nostack wrote:

I don't want to bore anyone with my speculations about theology and metaphysics, which to me is not a particularly interesting topic.  "What we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence."

With that in mind, I'm rendering this as sociological data:
* I was raised atheist

* When I was in my teens I was obsessed with being a "good" person, which was vaguely associated with the Christian value system but I never identified as a Christian per se.

* In college I suffered either a direct, full-bore, double-barreled contact with God, or a temporary schizophrenic experience.  It lasted about a week, and it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.

* I have some sympathy with Taoism and Zen Buddhism, but I still regard myself as an atheist.


This makes larry go "What we cannot talk about..."
You're aware that Wittgenstein reversed his position on this matter later in life?

This makes James go "Yeah, but I haven't :)"
Anyway, it was a freaky thing and I'm glad my life is back to normal.

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