thread: 2005-08-30 : Coming-of-age Fantasy for Adults
On 2005-08-30, Jay Loomis wrote:
Prydain rules, and was/is a huge influence with me too. However, for coming of age, I was much more deeply affected by Alexander's Westmark Trilogy. Serious exploration of what it means to "do the right thing".
Taran Wanderer is the most coming-of-age-inest of the Prydain Cycle. It is also the one with the least RPG-esque plot. How do you plan to handle scenes/story arcs where the conflict is mostly internal? It seems like a very important part of this type of story, and yet one that is hard to do well in an RPG.
This makes VB go "Westmark: me too."
The Kestrel devastated me.