
thread: 2005-09-02 : Meg on Ritual

On 2005-09-06, Marco wrote:

I agree completely. On all counts. I will note that those situations (real, urgent, and provocative) come up all the time in games that I suspect are considered "safe" here as well—but that's besides the point: yes, when someone gets hurt, what do you do?

Well, in therapy there are techniques that do, in fact, work on those situations. They take some skill, usually take some authority, and are never guaranteed.

However, one thing that often happens is that when participant A jumps on (bloodies the nose of) participant B, then A is accountable for his or her actions. Not *reprimanded* for them—not *prevented* from doing it (it's been done)—but *accountable* for them (which, IME, is a complex thing and not easily summed up).

However, in that environment, what you get is something that is antithetical to the PvP spirit that people have attributed to these "not safe" games.



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