
thread: 2005-08-31 : The Dragon Killer Fishbowl

On 2005-09-09, Vincent wrote:

As Ben points out, I forgot to mention:

Destination, circumstance and reputation will be available both as the stakes of conflicts - "my goal is to seize your reputation!" - and as resources for you to spend - "I give you my reputation, in exchange for 20¢ for this conflict."


This makes BL go "Yay"

This makes sdm go "Very interesting"
I was imagining this as a discussion (with the toggles being finalized in negotiation). This looks better.

This makes JK go "I'm enthralled."

This makes RH go "I, Rutger Hauer, endorse this mechanic."

This makes Chris go "Yes"
Creating stuff that matters- indeed!

This makes NInJ go "Damn you, Rutger Hauer!"

This makes VB go "be nice to Rutger..."
He's new here.

This makes NInJ go "I love you, Rutger Hauer!"
Why'd you have to leave me? I promise I'll be good this time! I love you, Rutger, baby!

This makes RH go "I love you too, Joshua Newman"
But, you know, only in a manly way.

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":