
thread: 2005-09-02 : Meg on Ritual

On 2005-10-06, Nev (aka Dave.. or is it the other way 'round?) wrote:

Great article and great thread.

I was going to post the link to this thread:

but then I realized it was Marco's thread and you guys are probably already all familiar with it.

Specifically from that thread, I like the "Brems" and "Kutt" examples from the Scandanavian LARP community. Especially, I like the idea of actually using those Scandanavian words, because the foreignness lends them ritual weight in a sense that "Woah" or "Stop" would not.

I don't want to drift or hijack or whatever, and I don't feel fully competent to add more to this thread, so I'm gonna stop here and sit back and watch some more. But you guys rock on.


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