
thread: 2005-06-02 : Immersion

On 2005-06-06, pete_darby wrote:


Imagine a fat bald englishman doing a very bad Mr T impersonation. "Don't make me mad, sucka."

That's me right now.

Stanislavsky is constantly mis-interpreted in exactly the way Vincent is saying immersion is mistakenly protected. Even in his books, he complains about actors who get so burdened by the need to know everything about the character, the moment, all the baggage that goes around with it, that they forget the point is to perform, that immersion is a part of the process, not the start of it.

Anyway, rant off, it's a common mistake, for supporters and detractors of the method equally, to privelige and protect immersion in ways that make the experience, well, suck.


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