
thread: 2005-06-02 : Immersion

On 2005-06-06, Vincent wrote:

I get you. I just disagree. I don't see any good reason why using rules well-designed to support immersion would interfere with your type 1 scenes, let alone your type 2.

You're going to just have to accept that I experience the same immersion you do. I know it seems unlikely to you, but it's true.

"You know that thing where you're so into your character that you adopt her emotions, mannerisms, outlook, mood, heart and soul? It's a rush? You aren't thinking about your character, you just do what she'd do without thinking? It gives you deep insights into your character that turn out, on reflection, to be deep insights into yourself, your friends, and the world? It feels totally alien and natural at once? You crave it? That's what I mean by immersion."

Nevertheless, I'm comfortable with type 2 scenes being enormously rules-driven, with no loss to immersion at all. Furthermore, I've even seen glimpses enough of it in type 1 scenes that I think there's fruitfull design territory there. Someday, we will have games with both full, deep immersion and strong rules.

What we'll give up along the way isn't deep immersion, but our superstitions about it.


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