
thread: 2005-11-10 : Open House: Ask a Frequent Question...

On 2005-11-17, Vincent wrote:

Collin: It seems like in many games I've run, the players don't play their characters with much plausibility- there doesn't seem to be respect for the internal integrity of the characters or setting. For example, some players will have their characters disregard social consequences or influences. I'd like a system which encourages more verisimilitude in this regard. But it seems like mechanics which force more reasonable reactions risk interefering with the players ability to make a statement. Can you see any way out of this dilemma?

Sure. Make the versimilitude you're after essential to the players' ability to make a statement.

How you do this, precisely, will depend on a) the individual details of the versimilitude you're after and b) what the players are to make statements about. See for instance Dogs in the Vineyard, which is built at the intersection of x versimilitude and y meaningful subject matter.

Make sense?


This makes CMT go "In the abstract"
But I don't have a clear idea of how I would go about making it happen. Maybe some time you could share your thoughts on how you linked these in DitV.

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