
thread: 2005-11-10 : Open House: Ask a Frequent Question...

On 2005-11-17, Collin M. Trail wrote:

What do you think about systems that allow the stakes in a conflict to be one of the characters emotions or behavior? On one hand, they seem to interfere with the ability of the manipulated character's player to address premise, on the other hand, they might be useful for addressing issues such as manipulation, trust, betrayal, or love.


This makes CMT go "By the way"
Let me know if you feel like I'm hogging to much space here. I have a lot of questions. Also, I'm not sure if all of these questions are clarifying existing theory rather than advancing it, but I'm trusting you'll let me know if I ask something that would be better addressed in another forum.

This makes VB go "Sure thing."

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