
thread: 2005-11-22 : A Seriously Social Issue

On 2005-11-22, Mark W wrote:

I've found that I come across as really aggressive and pushy to people as a player. It's not even New Skool games, it's just that I want to get right to it - get to where the fun is at, push toward the crisis. I don't have patience any more for game sessions that are 20% play and 80% socializing (or more likely, 20% socializing and 60% passive-aggressive conflict over play). I don't want to play in games where there's a status quo that must never be deviated from.

When I come to the table, I want it Now. Story Now, sure. But Challenge Now too, and Exploration Now too. That just doesn't fit into a lot of traditional play groups.

I believe that they're having fun. I just don't believe that it's coming from the game. They're doing a familiar ritual that provides a context for socializing. Don't mess with the ritual.


This makes BR go "I love that line"
" 20% socializing and 60% passive-aggressive conflict over play" -- I think I'll put it in my sig somewhere.

This makes JH go "Testify!"

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