
thread: 2005-06-06 : Happenings

On 2005-06-08, Meguey wrote:

Whew, your poor dad. Back to Jon's service, the thing I liked (and no surprise here) was the part where Catholics deal with "cradle to grave guilt, and instututional superiority" and that Unitarian Universalists deal with neither. This ties in to so many other things that I get to side-step, like: religion as crutch, religion as way to avoid responsibility, religion as whip to drive your life.

In a recent forced-choice excercise at a UU youth camp, there was a question "Are you afraid to die?", and I could answer clearly "No." **OF COURSE** I am in the context of 'I'm not done living, and I don't want to stop for a good 60+ years yet', but in the religious sense, no fear. And not because I'm 'saved' either, just because I have not been brought up to think of Hell as a stick/fact, or Heaven as a carrot/promise.


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