
thread: 2005-06-06 : Immersion, Rewrite

On 2005-06-06, Matt Wilson wrote:

[1] Your fellow players share ownership of your character, remember; you want and need for them to affirm that your vision of your character is right.

So at some point the other players would have had the opportunity to put in the 2 cents or however much they needed. Maybe something like in character creation, I get to assign a quality to your character or make one change.

[2] Whatever you have your character do, they won't react defensively

I think this means that they as players have to benefit no matter what your character does. Your character acts, everyone wins. Even if it's "my character stabs your character in her sleep." Your character's gone, but now you get 10 tokens that allow you to do cool stuff you couldn't before.

[3] You can't be worrying whether this decision that your character's making might break the game.

You're talking about the character's decision, right? Not the player's? I don't believe you can make a game player proof. Anyhow, I think the secret to this is in not building a game around a single important-yet-vulnerable idea.

I'm thinking of Moonlighting and how it was built almost exclusively around the sexual tension between David and Maddie, and as soon as they broke the tension, the show died its slow painful death. That's a game breaker, when instead it should be endgame, or there should be another obstacle moving in to take its place.

[4] the degree to which the mechanic requires a state of mind which is similar to the PC state of mind.

I think there's games that already do that, aren't there?


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