thread: 2005-12-03 : Closing GNS and RPG Theory is Good
On 2005-12-03, Chris wrote:
Hi Vincent,
100% Yeah. When any discussion becomes about who's right instead of what's right, it's pretty much over for constructive dialogue.
And it's completely understandable how it happens, because 1) 99% of stuff out there (on the internet, and otherwise) is bullshit opinion, and 2) gamer culture trains people not to observe what is going on socially, and between those two, a newcomer easily assumes our theory is just as bullshit as any other theory, and unable to confirm the theory because they're not able to see what the theory is talking about.
Anyone who can see what's going on socially- it clicks right away, but for anyone who is busy wondering if a +2 sword vs. a +3 sword makes Jim a jerk- they're not going to be able to get anything until they pass that first hurdle.
And, as you said, the key is whether the dialogue turns into one of informative value, or if it turns into one of ego and pissing contests.