
thread: 2005-12-03 : Closing GNS and RPG Theory is Good

On 2005-12-07, the GreyOrm wrote:

I agree with everything but the Sin. I think it is not a sin, not in any way, that a newbie coming into an established theory community has to be more humble than a newbie coming into a new theory community. Why? Simple logistics.

There's more to learn from established theory, less free range to explore (because it's already been), and more you are ignorant about. There's more listening you need to do.

Not fair? Too bad.

Otherwise, you're arguing that scientific disciplines are full of the Sin, for precisely the same reason. Can I walk into a discussion of Chaos theory or String theory with less or an equal amount of humility than I could have fifteen or twenty years ago?

By Odin, no!

With a basic professional level understanding of physics and mathematics, fifteen years ago I could walk into either and spit crap left and right until something stuck, without fear of being contradicted or otherwise shot down for doing so.

Today? I'd better walk in meekly and say humbly, "Teach me, Master, that I might learn to argue with you." Then sit down, shut up, and listen, only speaking up to help myself clarify my understanding of the points presented to me.

Once I go through all that, then and ONLY then can I start spitting crap wherever I feel, because I'll know where I actually can do so and how best to make it stick.

Not fair? Welcome to life. Welcome to the path of wisdom.

Now, the Sin...that's our failure to provide that coherent starting point the willing student can step forward to. We had an academic conference into which we threw novices and expected them to contribute and participate on the same level as masters, while trying to educate them at the same time.

What hubris on our part, inspiring hubris in theirs, supporting the lie of equality of opinion, thus confusing, angering, frustrating all involved. There is the Sin, as I see it.

Of course, though I disagree precisely with where lies the sin, the solution undertaken provides reparation for either, whichever it may be, and regardless of how raw my chosen metaphor rubs anyone—some of whom undoubtedly, and ironically, will incorrectly take this as a defense of hubris and dogma, and so miss the truth in it.

- Raven


This makes SJF go ""Less free range"?"
Each new insight usually spawns several new questions, so I'd disagree that the free range is reduced -- it just takes longer to traverse settled territory to get to the new frontier.

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