
thread: 2006-01-05 : I suspect but can't prove...

On 2006-01-05, Judd wrote:

Was there a glimmer of this in Wraith's mechanics for a different player having control of a PC's Shadow?

A werewolf or Hulk inspired game where you black out and a different play takes control when you go all lunatic-y.

A game where different players are in charge of characters when they use different forms of conflict resolution?  If the knight jousts he is controlled by X and if he serenades a fair lady in the audience he is controlled by Y and if he spears the horse and goes for the kill, control goes to Z.

I played in a game with Ron at Gen Con where we all shared a character and some part of me liked the collaboration but this selfish only-child in me was rebelling against the entire idea.  But I wonder how it would be different if the game was set up and made for it.


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