
thread: 2006-01-10 : Pulling Coplayers In

On 2006-01-10, Mo wrote:


Here's an example: I played a zealot in an Exalted game that was defined by her system of belief (the one I talk about over on Fair Game in The end of the game). However, I handed the keys to the GM that allowed for complete transformation of character by revealing, subtley in game and explicitly out of game that the entire mountain was built on a faultline so great that it would make the San Andreas one look like a crack in the sidewalk.

It didn't really accomplish anything, but not for any reason that says it couldn't work. I didn't have the language about what I was doing then that I have now and the trad mode in which were playing subtextually denied the GM's authority to take advantage of the information, even though what I was saying was: "Take advantage of this. Exploit it. Bring the Mountain down."

I've always been fasinated with the literary insistance of the tragic flaw and how it relates to RPG characters. I'd to see, or maybe make a game someday where the tragic flaw is explicitly identified on the character sheet, and the whole idea of the game is to trigger it artfully in play. To some extent, that's part of what Brand and I are doing in 1000 stories.


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