
thread: 2006-01-13 : Push and pull aside, co-ownership

On 2006-01-13, Levi Kornelsen wrote:

So, the progession of forced co-creation here is what?  Here's what I mean:

1) I can suggest something, take it or leave it, for your character.

2) I can bribe you in some way, take it or leave it, to accept my suggestion.

3) I can pay you - no choice, but you get something of clear value - to accept my suggestion.

4) I can force you, no benefits, to take my suggestion, but you get to do the same for me.

5) I can force you, no benefits, to take my suggestion; you can't return the action (somebody else might be able to, but not you).

Now, each of those except (1) can be systematised.  (2) and (3) are easy to put reward systems into.  For (4), Vincent's example serves fine as a sort-of-reward system; this is how you get dice.

What other avenues are there?


This makes MT go "Reciprocity!"
That's a neat idea. Hadn't thought of that.

This makes LBK go "Just realized..."
I didn't differentiate between being rewarded by a player, and rewarded by the system itself. Huh.

This makes SLB go "Cometh the Loopy Poopy!"
The system can't reward anyone.

This makes LBK go "Bad wording, yes."
I should have said "rewarded without the rewarder using up a resource".

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

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