
thread: 2006-01-13 : Push and pull aside, co-ownership

On 2006-01-13, JasonL wrote:


What you're positing with this line of thinking would be great rules for collaborative writing (as well as roleplaying).

I can't help but least what for roleplaying?

As sydney points out, at least in his experience with Capes, there alaready are games out there that do this (some, better than others).

So, is what you're noodling here an attempt to get folks thinking about ways to apportion out character-authority (making a maybe false distinction between this and story-authority, I'm not convinced there is a distinction) in the same way that lots of indie-games have cut up story-authority?

This just sounds like a micro-cut of the lumpley principle - just a logical extension that's already happening organically in design...

I will say, however, that combining your dangerous idea with the various discussions of push/pull, yin/yang, proposal/judgement have catalyzed some specific design elements for me, so it's all good.


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