
thread: 2006-01-13 : Push and pull aside, co-ownership

On 2006-01-13, Tobias wrote:

Hmmm. Both the pirates example, and the 'flashback' technique are SO DARN close to something I've been pondering...

I've been working on something called ConquistaPunk(Jammer) - it's a medly of stuff I love and am enthusiastic about - mainly cartology and spelljammer, but other interesting bits thrown in. (I'm also looking for 'maps', an RPG-in-design, but I forget from whom... if I can't find me, can someone refer me?).

What I'm trying to create is an (end of traditional) age-of-exploration speljammery rpg to the moon, mars and venus. Players would draw both the maps they'd "discovering", as well as their interpersonal and personal internal maps - together. Lots of stuff going on, but I was thinking that something revealed on the map would parallel something revealed about a character (or relationship).

Character creation would be A*C*EF********* (or some other combination of 'early' letters in the string, to give at least some departure point, some recognition/identification for each player, and an intitial vector - a bit more than 'pirates') after that, the group would explore both the new worlds, as well as the internals and history of each character together - these flashback scenes may be a nice method of co-ownership.

A thing I'll note about your example - you limit the description by B of A to A's location, time, a simple action (scene entry, really) and 1 person A has a relationship with. No dialogue, no thoughts... was this on purpose?


This makes TodB go "Found Maps"
Ben Lehman was the culprit. Now to see if it was worth remembering :)

This makes MT go "Note the: "Set the scene for us!""
I think that it as scene framing, not the declaration of the whole event.

This makes TodB go "It was noted"
Still lots of room for different methods of filling the scene with content.

This makes...
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